financial independence blog australia

My favourite Australian financial independence blogs

If you are anything like me, when you discovered the concept of financial independence and retiring early you were hooked straight away. I wanted to consume every book, every article, every podcast or money related blog I could get my hands on, and I did. Here are some of my favourite blogs I’ve been following the past few years.

Aussie Fire Bug –

For me this was the first Australian focused financial independence blog that I came across after consuming Mr Money Mustache. I resonated with Matt because like him I started off in property, however realised that it wasn’t the most passive tool for building wealth so switched entirely to shares. We had a very different result though, I remember he made close to 200k on his first property but I lost about 50k! Lots of easy to read posts in layman’s terms that anybody could understand. His article on ETFs vs LICs is one of the most comprehensive and in depth I’ve come across, and was a big influence on how I ultimately decided to structure my portfolio for income.

Strong money Australia –

I came across Dave’s blog after listening to one of firebug’s podcasts and have been a devout follower of him ever since. There is something about Aussie fire bloggers that just has a down to earth, no nonsense vibe that I love, and Dave is no exception. His reviews on the old school LIC’s are super helpful and were of the key research sources I used to help me decide which one’s I wanted to invest in. I also really enjoyed his comparison of DHHF and VDHG which will also help you if you want an all in one fund!

Mrs Money Flamingo –

I discovered Mrs Money Flamingo again after listening to a podcast by Matt (seems to be a common theme here!) and have been following her for quite some time. Her article on semi retirement was a big influence in my decision to quit my job, sell 90% of my belongings and travel for the foreseeable future. I think everybody is different, but I’m not the type of person that can go through life just sitting on the couch and watching Netflix, so I definitely love the concept of semi retirement.

A special mention should go to Pat the Shuffler from Life long shuffle. Pat is an OG in the FIRE community space but unfortunately due to ASIC’s finfluencer crack down he has removed all his content so I didn’t include him in the list. Maybe one day he will shuffle them back online!

Who is your favourite financial independence blogger in Australia?